OLEV Grant Scheme

Office for Low Emission Vehicles (OLEV) is a cross Government team tasked with developing policy and funding to encourage the use of low emission vehicles. Most people will have come across the OLEV grant scheme, in reference to the grants they offer for the installation of electric vehicle chargers.

OLEV run two grant schemes; The Electric Vehicle Homecharge Scheme (EVHCS) and The Workplace Charging Scheme (WCS).

Electric Vehicle Homecharge Scheme

The Electric Vehicle Homecharge Scheme (EVHCS) is designed to assist electric vehicle and plug in hybrid drivers towards the cost of installing an electric vehicle charging point at their home. In it’s simplest form, OLEV will pay up to seventy five percent of the cost of the installation up to a maximum of £350.

There are certain simple criteria that have to be met, but apart from that the scheme is straight forward.

Your OLEV approved installer should be able to guide you through the process with very little difficulty. MEGA EV, (t/a Mega Electrical NW Ltd) is an OLEV approved installer for eight manufacturers of electric vehicle charge points. We are able to offer a huge range of OLEV approved chargers, so you should be able to find a charger to suit your needs.

Workplace Charging Scheme – OLEV Grant Scheme

The Workplace Charging Scheme (WCS) is open to all business who have a requirement for electric vehicle charging points. OLEV offers businesses a grant of £300 per charging point up to a maximum of twenty points.

Simply fill in the grant form on the OLEV grant scheme website, and OLEV will send you a voucher for the appropriate amount. Then, you just need to contact an OLEV approved installer who will help you decide which OLEV approved electric vehicle charger, is the right one for your business. You simply give the OLEV approved installer your voucher as part payment towards the installation, and pay the installer the balance.

Hopefully this has given a simple insight into the two varieties of the OLEV grant scheme currently available. Should you require further help understand them or have any questions then get in touch with us at MEGA EV, we will be more than happy to help you.

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